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Propose a Program

Want to see a certain program happen at the library? You can either suggest a program that you think we should put on, or apply to partner with us to put on a program together.

Suggest a Program You’d Like to See at the Library

woman thinking finger by mouth

Submit an idea for a program you’d like to see happen at the Library. If you’d like to partner with us to put on a program, author talk, presentation, or event, please see below.


Partner With Us to Put On a Program

two people discussing at a desk smilingapply here button (opens fillable pdf in new tab)

Bowen Library welcomes proposals from the public to partner with the library on events, presentations, and programs. Maybe you’d like to do a talk on your newly-published book, or lead a book club or language-learning group. Our planning cycle is quarterly and proposals will be reviewed for the cycle and dates shown below.

When Should I Submit My Proposal?

  • Winter: Submit proposals by November 15 for programs held the following January-March
  • Spring: Submit proposals by February 15 for programs held the following April-June
  • Summer: Submit proposals by May 15 for programs held the following July-September
  • Fall: Submit proposals by August 15 for programs held the following October-December

To submit a proposal, please complete our fillable PDF proposal form (Apply Here button above) and email it to us at

About Program Partnerships

Priority is given to programs that complement the library’s collections and services, or support the library’s vision, mission and strategic priorities.

If we choose your program, we provide:

  • Venue (Library Annex or Flex Room)
  • Coordination of the program in partnership with you
  • Poster design and online marketing support
  • Event liability insurance

If you have a program already planned out and you just need a space, you can rent one of our rooms to host your program independently.