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Bowen Library Charitable Foundation

heart around old library building frontThe Bowen Island Public Library Foundation is a registered charitable foundation that supports the activities of the Bowen Island Library by raising funds for facility improvements, equipment, furnishings, materials, and programs and services. The Foundation was an active player in fundraising for our Annie Laurie Wood Annex and Gallery extension to the library building.

The Foundation is governed by a board of directors. For more detailed information about the Foundation you can read the Foundation Constitution and Bylaws.

Ways to Donate

Gifts, donations and bequests can all be made to the Foundation, and tax receipts are issued for all donations of $20 or more.

Thank you to all our donors! Your contributions benefit the entire community.

Credit Card Online

Donate online through Canada Helps using a credit card, and a tax receipt will be automatically sent to you. Click the Donate Now button below.

blue button that says donate now.

Cash & Cheque

We also accept cash or cheque through the mail or in person. Tax receipts for these donations are issued for donations of $20 or more. Cheques should be made out to the Bowen Island Public Library Foundation.


If you wish to remember the library in your will, bequests of cash gifts, insurance, stocks or bonds, etc. can be directed to the the Foundation. An income tax receipt will be issued to the estate for the fair market value of the gift and this receipt can be used to reduce income taxes payable by the estate.

It is important that any gifts or bequests made to the Foundation show the correct legal name as shown below:

Bowen Island Public Library Foundation
P.O. Box 10, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0
Charity Registration Number BN 88889 0068 RR0001


Other ways to support us!

We also accept book donations for the Friends of the Library book sale, and of course, we highly value the donations of time that our volunteers give us as well.